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Friday, December 22, 2017

Debunkers and other Fear Profiteers

by Kevin Candela

As this latest “debunking” effort (see below) is so patently absurd, and at Craig’s suggestion, let’s get into the “truth about debunkers”.

An UPSIDE DOWN jet fighter? Seriously? Yeah, some like the F-15 can take off, do a “Viking” (a vertical climb) and when they level out they keep the 1 g force by ending up inverted. FOR LIKE THREE SECONDS.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

If You’re Gonna Be Programmed, Do It Right

by Kevin Candela

Okay my fellow paranormal/supernatural obsessives, let’s get some feedback in the comments on this if possible. Which channels and investigative-documentary shows do you watch?

This is perhaps more important than it might at first seem. I’m not on Facebook asking you to list your favorite movies. I do that like everybody else already anyway. No, this is about what kind of info we’re getting from these paranormal shows and the channels that broadcast them, because we have to take care—there are, in my opinion, forces out there strongly working to keep all the waters muddied.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Handbook for the Age of Deception, Volume 1 – Don’t Believe Everything You Read

by Kevin Candela

News articles that read along the lines of “Here’s what people may be mistaking for UFOs” and then go on to brag about new military aircraft that don’t exhibit any of the critical flight characteristics of actual anomalies are ADS. They are promotional devices to get the public to drool over their latest gross squandering of our precious resources. So in addition to being a sort of disinformation on the surface, they work double propaganda duty by serving to sell their new death machines to the public.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Oh, so NOW you want Truth

by Kevin Candela

I’d say it’s about time, but it was about time fifteen years ago, when the media was spoon-feeding you terrifying lies and you weren’t questioning them because—hey—they’re on TV! Or the radio, worse yet, which was already poisoned with deception by then courtesy of paid propagandist water-muddiers like Rush Limpbaugh (sic) and the even more repellant parasite “Cape Girardeau Roses” that followed the Jabba the Hutt of lies.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Cybil War: The Division of the Spiritual Essence

by Kevin Candela

In our backyard grows a tree that was once a branch of another tree. Years ago—quite a few now—I dipped the base of a short clipped-off live twig from an American elm in rooting solution, it took and I ended up planting the new tree in the yard about fifty feet from its non-seed source.

Here comes the fun part:

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Why You Should Be Watching The Dead Files and Ancient Aliens

by Kevin Candela

It may be hard for some of us to go back to 2009 by now, which I’m sure is a jarring thought to many. Do you recall the days before Ancient Aliens debuted? Do you realize what that show and its stars and its cliché-saddled but determined narrator have done for our culture and the paranormal world in general? Here’s a clue: Back in 2009, you had plenty of UFO and paranormal investigation shows to cite, but they weren’t familiar to the people you were trying to enlighten. So you had…nothing. Now you have Ancient Aliens, its very name a touchstone for debate. You—we—have a rock. Ancient Aliens is the New Bible, and though we believers are hardly mindless zombies, we do have a great deal of common ground. And now, courtesy of about ten seasons in eight years, we have a virtual library of detailed information and a host of name experts. We are armed. We can take on the scared ostriches and point them to a single information source they’ve heard of, and if they pick on it for its form, or the personas of its hosts, you can call them on one big thing right away: dodging the ISSUE. The issue is not whether David Childress tortures his vowels for effect or how high Giorgio Tsoukalos’ hair currently stands. And if someone wants to focus on that, or the dry and repetitive narration, they’re engaging in deliberate shifting of focus. Why? Because they know that Mr. Soooooome Kiiiiiiiind and Big Hair Giorgio are in the RIGHT and there’s not a thing they, the closeted fearful and overtly cynical, can put up against the Truth. So when someone rips on Giorgio’s hair, you’ve got ’em. Their cowardice and insecurity are showing.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

If You Smell Something Fishy, Maybe it’s Nessie

by Kevin Candela

There’s a ghost in the Lemp Mansion in St. Louis that can produce a terrible sewer-like smell. It’s been depicted clearly on the popular TV show Ghost Hunters. Too bad they couldn’t have bottled the air and had it tested. Maybe next time, GH folks? Or anyone else who wants to check out that locale, where I’ve had dinner but (as usual) picked up on nothing at all. The Ghost Hunters were there in a storm too, meaning that they couldn’t even trust their own senses that night because of the heightened emotional effects of the strobing lightning and cracking thunder. So if they go back, and they DON’T make a plan to monitor that air, I’ll be a bit disappointed.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

I Heard That: Audio Perception and the Paranormal Universe

by Kevin Candela

Sound Reasoning. I thought about calling this one that too, since it’s how we hear things that seems to matter at least as much as why or any of the other interrogative Ws. Yesterday my wife and I were sitting downstairs together when we heard voices coming in through the back window of the basement kitchen, which opens out onto the backyard. To me, I heard them coming from the left. I immediately said they were probably coming from the neighbor on the right because—at least for me—I seem to guess the actual origin point for such sounds in the exact wrong direction.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Lights of Marfa and Paulding: Is Seeing Believing?

by Kevin Candela

So what are we talking about when it comes to light phenomena?

They seem to be exclusively nocturnal, at least to the extent that no one’s come forth yet saying, “Hey, I used full spectrum goggles on the Marfa/Paulding Light(s) and it/they show up in daylight too!” They appear at a distance, and for some reason we don’t see or hear about many attempts to zoom in on them with, say, a drone (if not in fact on foot or by vehicle) so as to get a better look. Curious, really—you’d think someone would have given that a shot by now.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas

by Kevin Candela

Watch the 1957 movie. The brilliant Nigel Kneale screenplay really does cover it all, from the Shipton Expedition that found and photographed the famous “first” footprints (mentioned, having happened only a few years earlier in “reality”) to the nobly intentioned scientist, the opportunistic entrepreneur, the callous career bounty hunter and the legend-obsessed everyman who once caught a glimpse of the yeti. Best of all, the head lama at the Tibetan monastery is more than wise: He, like the yeti, stands clear of the petty human race, smiling knowingly as the ambitious quartet of visitors who seek to know if the creatures exist insist on risking it all in trying to find out. Even the Sherpa is important, despite his precious few lines. And so is the scientist’s wife, who is perhaps the only peer of the head lama in terms of innate wisdom.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

What the hell is the Missouri Flying Humanoid?

by Kevin Candela

Hell may be the right word here. Look at the drawings. Consider the testimonials. What we’re talking about here is no extinct primate. This is a true monster, and I thank the brilliant Monsters and Mysteries in America for enlightening us as to this local legend’s existence.

Let’s start with the locale, because it’s a great one: Turkey Creek, Missouri, is not all that far from the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers and the National Scenic Riverways park that contains them. This is the Ozarks, pure and simple, and if you’ve been there, you know there’s plenty of woodlands, caves, water—in short, everything a man-sized creature would need to survive and live a private life. In fact there could be a bunch of these things in a place as remote as that part of the country.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Even Believers Sometimes Get to See Stuff

by Kevin Candela, March 7, 2017

This is an account of our experience on October 20, 2012. As this event is now over four years past, specific time references for that date are necessarily approximate.

Witnesses to this “close encounter of the first kind” were my wife Jackie and myself. Additionally, the occupant(s) of at least one other vehicle we saw in the vicinity at one point may have seen the same thing, in that they sat motionless at a stop sign long enough for us to pull up to the other side of it, wait our turn and then eventually go on because they still weren’t moving.