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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Handbook for the Age of Deception, Volume 1 – Don’t Believe Everything You Read

by Kevin Candela

News articles that read along the lines of “Here’s what people may be mistaking for UFOs” and then go on to brag about new military aircraft that don’t exhibit any of the critical flight characteristics of actual anomalies are ADS. They are promotional devices to get the public to drool over their latest gross squandering of our precious resources. So in addition to being a sort of disinformation on the surface, they work double propaganda duty by serving to sell their new death machines to the public.

This isn’t about UFOs at all. It’s about manipulating you to worship the military industrial complex, to accept its new horrors as “cool-looking products” and to get people to converse along the lines of “Gee, I’d LOVE to fly that thing.” “That thing” probably cost several hundred million that, yes, could have gone to people and animals in disaster areas or rebuilding our public service systems like sewage and waste treatment and developing clean power. And guess what? There’s a PRODUCTION LINE of several-hundred-million-dollar wastes.

So keep that in mind the next time you see an article like the one we posted recently in Shadow Pokers (See: Oh, so NOW you want Truth). The article, as previously noted, is muddying the waters, of course. Think about it a moment: Very few people are naïve enough to watch anything flying along up there in basically linear motion, no matter how fast or quiet it is, and go off ranting that they’ve seen a UFO. What we posted was an ad for the military industrial complex coated in water-muddying propaganda via the title hook. The good thing is that here in Shadow Pokers, we don’t take these articles at face value. We dig into the motivations that brought that article before the eyes of countless truth seekers…the people Shadow Pokers support above all else.

But as also stated, that article about the new “mistaken identity” aircraft is trying to brainwash you into admiring its latest monster.

Perhaps the truth of this is that the military industrial complex of America now runs the entire world, plus or minus a few countries it’s trying to suck into its mafia-style empire. The Navy ads are obvious—rah-rah, we’re keeping you safe from the forces of blah blah blah, inspiring music—but articles like this come from the same military madness, the same Mordor at the core of all our great societal and ecological issues. 

I should say here that I have many friends who served in the military. I can only HOPE that they understand that I appreciate the risks they took on behalf of my safety, I mean, as they perceived it anyway. But like the great Star Wars prequels and their core plot, which is really the only high profile record of truth of our age other than the X-Files at the moment, the poor clone troopers were fighting and dying against forces set up by their own leaders. The same, I believe, as here in this Age of Deception. Why? Control, power, wealth and privilege. 

The thing is, I’m not that big a fan of Stanley Kubrick. But Dr. Strangelove was so RIGHT that I offer few movies that I prefer in its place as the epitome of nailing the bad guy in our times. Watch this movie. Study it. Remember Joe Dante’s words, “If movies changed anything we’d all have disarmed after Dr. Strangelove”. Why didn’t we? Because the MIC had taken over the world in Dallas in 1963. So Strangelove is “just a movie” and ubiquitous death and weaponry is dizzying profit.

Don’t get me wrong, I spent seventeen years working on Harriers and F-15s and F/A-18s. I was part of the Clone Warrior Empire. Never completely unaware of the darkness there, though…I was an outsider on the inside from the start. Not a spy, a student. But all this was simply because I loved Lost in Space and Jonny Quest and got an engineering degree and the only jobs available were commercial aircraft (not nearby) and military jets (half an hour from home). I wanted some cash. I was 21. So there’s my confession. 

I learned a lot there about how the whole thing works. The engineers I worked with, particularly the ones in the offices, tended to be terrified that if the fat contracts didn’t keep coming in they’d be serving French fries the same time the next year. So everyone was always worried about layoffs. Probably still are. Which is silly because Boeing, Lockheed, GE and the other handful of consolidated defense titans own the game. 

How do you break up a techno-mafia full of greedy paranoids? 

Welcome to the true dilemma.

I suggest not letting yourselves be deceived even from the start by pro-military ads disguised as news and targeted at specific audiences like…well…us. Call them out. The one thing that lies don’t hold up to is being called lies with conviction and logic. Will this stop them? It’s barely a start. But a dumb public will never survive, or if it does it’ll be so Orwellian that putting it down would be a mercy. So be smart. Don’t let this stuff stand. When the military brass wraps an ad in eye can, call them the power-grasping monsters they are. 

Or don’t. I decided not to overcommit to sociopolitical anything a long time ago, and revolution is more of the mind than the chant and the protest. 

Just don’t let yourself be deceived, for you will never learn. And learning is probably why we’re here.

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