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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Kevin Candela on Church of Mabus Radio

SHADOW POKERS co-founder/blogger Kevin Candela on CHURCH OF MABUS Radio...

Who are the Annunaki and how are They Connected to Nibiru?

by Jodie Bares

A few weeks ago, one of our members asked about the reports of Nibiru and wanted to know more about the mysterious Planet X.  With all the reports of the rogue planet coming to smash into us in recent history, and with the soft disclosure we are experiencing in the government, I think it is time we take a look at it. However, if we are going to talk about Nibiruwe also need to talk about its inhabitants, the Annunaki.  In this article, we are going to dive into the stories, the folklore, religious text,and scientific fact surrounding the legend.