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Friday, February 9, 2018

Hunting Cryptids ‘Round the World: Mexico and Latin America

by Jodie Bares

Ah, Mexico… What’s not to love about it?  They have awesome food, they have a rich culture that we are still studying and analyzing to this day, and they even have a whole holiday centered around the love and appreciation for the dead.  Mexico has come up a lot lately in the news; especially in the world of the ever-expanding knowledge of the ancient Maya and just how advanced they really were.  So, if scientists are now able to peel back the rainforest canopy and find ancient ruins, will it soon be possible they may come across the unknown?  I should warn you before we proceed that many of the cryptids we are going to talk about here have their origins in Mexican and Latin American folklore, so even though there have been numerous reported sightings of these creatures over the years, they made indeed be just myth and superstition.  With that said, it’s time to open the book on Mexico and explore what they offer in the world of cryptids.