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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

If You’re Gonna Be Programmed, Do It Right

by Kevin Candela

Okay my fellow paranormal/supernatural obsessives, let’s get some feedback in the comments on this if possible. Which channels and investigative-documentary shows do you watch?

This is perhaps more important than it might at first seem. I’m not on Facebook asking you to list your favorite movies. I do that like everybody else already anyway. No, this is about what kind of info we’re getting from these paranormal shows and the channels that broadcast them, because we have to take care—there are, in my opinion, forces out there strongly working to keep all the waters muddied.

(Ironically, I have always had in the back of my mind that ridiculous bit of doubt that says the secret keepers of this world might be the good guys and I shouldn’t expose the realities behind the cover stories because the results would be worse than they are as is. But here’s the thing: You’re reading a Shadow Pokers blog, so you may quite possibly have already fought this tiny but persistent "keep your mouth shut” demon in your own heads as well. I think if I can talk flat-out truth anywhere, it’s here in Craig Mullins’ sanctuary for the open-minded, analytical and serious. So on we go.)

First off, I’ll say that my favorite TV channel in this light is Destination America TV. Just looked it up. Discovery Communications. Suffice it to say I will now be looking more into their roots and intents, but that channel’s shows—at least those I’ve seen—are by and large without the “skeptical fair play” skewing that corrupts many shows on channels like National Geographic.

It sounds like I’m against fair play, but the fact is I’m all for it—it’s nearly extinct, after all, and in the long run it’s the only thing that works. But…

If you’ve seen shows where professional apologists, misleaders and debunkers (like Joe Nickell and the NASA mouthpieces on shows such as NASAs Unexplained Files) get the last word in, dismissing all that has come before their cringe-inducing moment in the spotlight with often absolutely irrational “really reaching for it” explanations that cite mundane reasons behind extraordinary events—well, that’s where I change the channel. Why? Because this façade of “fairness” is a canard to distort the truth. We are given a “pro” and a “con” viewpoint, generally, with the con almost always the “last word” other than some “maybes” from the narrator. That’s not representative of reality. There is not a UFO disbeliever out there to counter every believer. Far from it, at least if you’re willing to trust various polls that, from what I’ve seen, suggest that belief is in the overwhelming majority. 

But the POINT of such water-muddying shows is to leave the reader uncertain, and wanting more info (that they’ll never get from shows like that, because the intent is to hypnotize and distract).

What am I saying? I guess it’s that you have to be really selective about which shows to trust. Channels as well. Because it has Ancient Aliens, I continue to trust the History Channel (which seems to have otherwise become mostly about blatant, mindless materialism judging by the program listings). The Science Channel and the Travel Channel are borderline calls, at least in my book.

As I said at the beginning, I’d appreciate some feedback from the other serious researchers here. Tell me/us what shows and channels you like and trust, along with the whys. I’m thinking we’ll soon move on from there to check into the sponsors of these shows and the channel owners, which will allow us to see who’s trying to get the truth out there and who’s manipulating the whole topic to confuse and disable our investigative efforts.

In sum, I suggest we all carefully look into anything we rely on for information.

Except Shadow Pokers. We’re on the level here because nobody makes a penny.

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