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Friday, December 22, 2017

Debunkers and other Fear Profiteers

by Kevin Candela

As this latest “debunking” effort (see below) is so patently absurd, and at Craig’s suggestion, let’s get into the “truth about debunkers”.

An UPSIDE DOWN jet fighter? Seriously? Yeah, some like the F-15 can take off, do a “Viking” (a vertical climb) and when they level out they keep the 1 g force by ending up inverted. FOR LIKE THREE SECONDS.

Jet fighters don’t cruise upside down. Or might they have built this F-35 fighter with the cockpit apparently positioned behind the nose landing gear so that the pilot’s crotch can closely monitor the sky and land below?

The debunking video in question

At first I thought the people behind “UFO Seekers”, a group quite willing and eager to accept your donations in order to further assuage your fears BTW, were paid disinformation people. But this is simply too outrageously incompetent, or at least it seems to be that way. (I suppose with such Machiavellian layering in American media, they may be on the payroll as well, of course: Even incompetent work helps muddy the waters, which is of course the Prime Directive.)

If you watched this video thinking, “Yeah, maybe it WAS just a video from one jet following another” and didn’t notice that the jet was flying upside down the whole time, you may need to reset your logic circuits and/or do an overhaul. Here’s what they did: They found a jet whose profile roughly fit the dark distortion, BUT it only worked UPSIDE DOWN. So they went for it anyway. Screw them. Liars.

Screenshots from the UFO Seekers video
I may be waxing nostalgic, but I would swear there was a time when not one single person would have bought this explanation. Thanks to the debunker gold rush, that time is gone. And a lot of them, I firmly believe, are being paid to muddy the waters, posit absurd theories and engage in inane debates.

But not the UFO Seekers: They seem to be simply amoral jerks, freelancers of a sort, out to make money by coming up with explanations that the dimmest bulbs in our society will swallow hook, line and sinker. Sad. At both ends. You see, those most in denial tend to have money because they keep steady jobs, buy into the system and don’t rock the boat. UFO Seekers and other parasitical endeavors like them want these fearful drones to send money so they can keep assuring them that (if they don’t look too closely at the feeble debunking explanations) all is four square and the newspapers and news shows are on the level and it’s still that imaginary 1950 that never existed in the first place.

Screenshots from the UFO Seekers video
And it’s all over: Debunking is the new boom, because there’s money from saps in it and—if you do it right—a paycheck from black ops goons as well. Put that together with a deliberate effort to “dumb down” the populace so that they’ll actually BUY the idea that jets fly upside down and you’ve got an Orwell cocktail from Hell itself. I guess that makes debunkers “minor devils” in the AD and D gaming sense. 

Don’t listen to devils. That’s a general rule. They don’t want what’s best for you.

And if you PAY them to lie to you, make sure they do it better than UFO Seekers so that the contradictions don’t gradually gnaw away at what’s left of your closed mind until the rest tumbles out of your nose.

You can watch the original, unaltered video here.

Update: The latest word from the UFO Seekers attempting to validate their "debunking video".

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